West Midlands Combined Authority logo


Walsall comprises 20 wards and crosses 4 parliamentary constituencies.


Click here to see the full ward list

Walsall comprises the wards of:

Parliamentary Constituencies

Walsall intersects with the parliamentary constituencies of Walsall and Bloxwich, Aldridge-Brownhills, Wolverhampton North East, and Wolverhampton South East.


The data sources in this data pack are as follows. All data are the most recently available and are correct at the time of publishing (January 2025):


The population of Walsall at the 2021 census was 284,104 which is around 10% of the population of the WMCA. Of that total, 173,629 (61%) were working age (16-64), this compares with 63% across the WMCA as a whole.


A line chart with age on the x axis and proportion of the population on the y axis. The chart shows the WMCA population alongside the population of Walsall.The data for the chart is in the tab named table to the right of the chart tab.


Residents’ ethnicity

All groups

Under 10%


Labour Market Overview

Labour market statistics for the West Midlands region are published monthly. The latest West Midlands data are for the period Sep-Nov 2024. Labour market data for local authorities are published quarterly. The latest Walsall and WMCA data are for the period Oct 2023-Sep 2024.

Data for the West Midlands region show:

Unemployment (16+)



Economic Inactivity (16-64)



Economic Inactivity by Age (16+)

Walsall Chart

WMCA Chart

Region Chart


Economic Inactivity by Reason (16+)

Walsall Chart

WMCA Chart

Region Chart

Note: Data showing zero are missing data from the ONS/APS Labour Market Statistics release due to disclosure control.


Note: Data showing zero are missing data from the ONS Labour Market Statistics release due to disclosure control.

Claimant Count (16-64)

LA table

Rate Chart

A timeseries chart showing the claimant rate for the population aged 16 to 64 in Walsall.  The data for the chart is in the tab named table to the right of the Chart tab.

Rate Table

Youth Claimant Count (18-24)

LA Table

Rate Chart

A timeseries chart showing the claimant rate for the population aged 18 to 44 in Walsall.  The data for the chart is in the tab named table to the right of the Chart tab.

Rate Table


Data on current vacancies in Walsall are provided by Adzuna. The most recent data are for the month of December 2024 and show a total of 2,380 unique job postings. The median salary for vacancies in Walsall in the period was £33,411.

Data on the top 10 occupations, the top 10 employers and the minimum educational requirements for current job vacancies are shown in the tables below.

Jobs projections


A timeseries chart showing actual jobs for the period 2018 to 2023 and then forecast jobs for the period 2024 to 2028. Data is for Walsall.  The data for the chart is in the tab named table to the right of the Chart tab.


Adult Education Enrolments and Funding

To date in 2024/25 AEB spend in the WMCA area has been £67.7 million. Spend in Walsall to date is £3.8 million, which is 5.6% of the WMCA total.

Note: Data are based on location of learners rather than location of delivery.

Course types and Spend



A chart showing the relative size of WMCA spend for different course types inWalsall.The data for the chart is in the tab named table to the right of the Chart tab.

Age of learners



A chart showing the proportion of enrolments against the proportion of population inWalsall.The data is presented for age groups.The data for the chart is in the tab named table to the left of the Chart tab.

Ethnicity of learners



A chart showing the proportion of enrolments against the proportion of population inWalsall.The data is presented for ethnic groups.The data for the chart is in the tab named table to the left of the Chart tab.

Under 10%

A chart showing the proportion of enrolments against the proportion of population inWalsall.The data is presented for ethnic groups.The data for the chart is in the tab named table to the left of the Chart tab.

Learner outcomes

Outcomes percentages are out of the total who have completed their programme.



A chart showing the number and proportion of completed enrolments by outcome inWalsall.The data for the chart is in the tab named table to the left of the Chart tab.

Learner achievement

Achievement percentages are out of the total who have completed their programme.



A chart showing the number and proportion of completed enrolments by achievementtype inWalsall.The data for the chart is in the tab named table to the left of the Chart tab.

Unemployed learners

There have been 0 enrollments by unemployed residents of Walsall so far this academic year. This is NaN% of total enrollments in Walsall.

Unemployed learner outcomes

This section details outcomes of learners who were unemployed at the start of their programme. Percentages are out of the total who were unemployed and have completed their programme.



A chart showing the number and proportion of completed enrolments by outcome inWalsall.The data for the chart is in the tab named table to the left of the Chart tab.

Unemployed learner achievement

This section details the achievement of learners who were unemployed at the start of their programme. Percentages are out of the total who were unemployed and have completed their programme.



A chart showing the number and proportion of completed enrolments by achievementtype inWalsall.The data for the chart is in the tab named table to the left of the Chart tab.

Wider Determinants of Health

Circulatory diseases


A bar chart showing the Under 75 mortality rate from circulatory diseases considered preventable. The data is presented for local authorities. The data for the chart is in the tab named table to the left of the Chart tab.



A bar chart showing the Under 75 mortality rate from circulatory diseases considered preventable. The data is presented for local authorities. The data for the chart is in the tab named table to the left of the Chart tab.




A bar chart showing the Under 75 mortality rate from cancer considered preventable. The data is presented for local authorities. The data for the chart is in the tab named table to the left of the Chart tab.



A bar chart showing the Under 75 mortality rate from cancer considered preventable. The data is presented for local authorities. The data for the chart is in the tab named table to the left of the Chart tab.


High anxiety


A bar chart showing Self reported wellbeing: people with a high anxiety score. The data is presented for local authorities. The data for the chart is in the tab named table to the left of the Chart tab.



A bar chart showing Self reported wellbeing: people with a high anxiety score. The data is presented for local authorities. The data for the chart is in the tab named table to the left of the Chart tab.


Life satisfaction


A bar chart showing Self reported wellbeing: people with a low satisfaction score. The data is presented for local authorities. The data for the chart is in the tab named table to the left of the Chart tab.



A bar chart showing Self reported wellbeing: people with a low satisfaction score. The data is presented for local authorities. The data for the chart is in the tab named table to the left of the Chart tab.


Severe mental illness (SMI)


A bar chart showing Premature mortality in adults with severe mental illness (SMI). The data is presented for local authorities. The data for the chart is in the tab named table to the left of the Chart tab.



A bar chart showing Premature mortality in adults with severe mental illness (SMI). The data is presented for local authorities. The data for the chart is in the tab named table to the left of the Chart tab.


Smoking prevalence


A bar chart showing Smoking prevalence in adults (18+) - current smokers (GPPS). The data is presented for local authorities. The data for the chart is in the tab named table to the left of the Chart tab.



A bar chart showing Smoking prevalence in adults (18+) - current smokers (GPPS). The data is presented for local authorities. The data for the chart is in the tab named table to the left of the Chart tab.


Physical inactivity





Overweight prevalence


A bar chart showing the Overweight (including obesity) prevalence in adults. The data is presented for local authorities. The data for the chart is in the tab named table to the left of the Chart tab.



A bar chart showing the Overweight (including obesity) prevalence in adults. The data is presented for local authorities. The data for the chart is in the tab named table to the left of the Chart tab.


Female healthy life expectancy


A bar chart showing Female healthy life expectancy at birth. The data is presented for local authorities. The data for the chart is in the tab named table to the left of the Chart tab.



A bar chart showing Female healthy life expectancy at birth. The data is presented for local authorities. The data for the chart is in the tab named table to the left of the Chart tab.


Male healthy life expectancy


A bar chart showing Male healthy life expectancy at birth. The data is presented for local authorities. The data for the chart is in the tab named table to the left of the Chart tab.



A bar chart showing Male healthy life expectancy at birth. The data is presented for local authorities. The data for the chart is in the tab named table to the left of the Chart tab.
